Michelle McGee's Ex Files for Full Custody of Their 5-Year-Old

Publish date: 2024-05-24

Michelle McGee, the alleged mistress to Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James, is locked in a custody battle with her ex-husband Ronald Shane Modica.

According to court documents filed in San Diego, Calif. on Friday, Ronald Shane Modica now seeks temporary and legal custody of Avery, their five-year-old son.

Modica filed his latest motion as a direct result of the tabloid scandal involving his ex-wife and James; McGee reportedly called her ex-husband on Thursday, telling him she planned to "hide out" from photographers. Although the judge denied Modica's request late Friday, the court documents shed alarming new light on Michelle "Bombshell" McGee.

"I need protection for my son," Modica says in the documents. "If [Michelle] sees Avery, she will bring these curosity seekers and glory hounds down on herself and Avery, totally confusing and frankly scaring him."

He adds that Avery gets upset when it's time to go to his mother's house. "He fights me violently, and screams, yells, cries and begs not to go."

Modica has also asked that child visitation arrangements be amended as well; Ronald fears that McGee may flee to Australia (where she reportedly has a boyfriend) and take Avery with her.

In the shocking court papers, he charges that his ex-wife has slipped "more into stripping, pills, alcohol" over the years. He says that she has brought her X-rated "performances" into the home she shares with Avery. "There have been pornographic shoots there and live WEB cam pornographic broadcasts from her home," he writes.

"I will not continue to expose him to the kind of life Michelle desires and seeks: full on, pornographic, party all the time," he continues.

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Other charges leveled in the documents: his ex-wife (he refers to her as a "stripper and pornographic performer") has dated gang members, and is mentally ill yet refuses to take prescribed medication for bipolar disorder.

He also alleges that her home features "coffins in the living room and child block magnets on the refrigerator that spell out 'White Power.'"

McGee has an older son, Ellijah, from a previous relationship. "Ellijah is Jewish and she thinks it's funny that she makes the Nazi salute," Modica writes.

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"She moves around a lot and takes Avery with her without telling me," Modica clalims. "She has enrolled him in various schools without consulting me."

According to earlier court documents, McGee has disputed Modica's claims; insisting that she spends quality time with her sons, is not doing drugs, supports herself through "artistic nudes," and does not expose her kids to the racy material. She acknowledges that she has bipoloar disorder, but has never lapsed in taking the pills prescribed to treat it.

The next scheduled court date to revise the terms of custody and visitation is scheduled May 12, 2010.
